The Top 10 Reasons Why Smart People Love To Invest In You As Their Fitness Coach

Wouldn’t it AWESOME if you had nothing but smart people as clients?

What an enjoyable and profitable fitness coaching business you’d have, right?

Smart people make great clients.

Here are the Top 10 reasons why smart people will gravitate to you and your coaching services.

1. Smart people love knowing that their determination and initiative have put them into elite company. They understand that the most successful and happiest people on the planet in every area of life have had coaches and mentors who helped them eliminate time, frustration, and overwhelm on their road toward success.

2. Smart people understand that, the more of a commitment they are willing to enthusiastically make toward their success, the more PRIDE they’ll experience during every step of their journey.

3. Smart people love knowing that they are doing EVERYTHING possible to insure their success. Whether they succeed, fail, or somewhere in between, they know with absolute certainty that they did “whatever it takes.”

4. Smart people love to save time and energy by having a qualified fitness coach provide them effective, efficient, and PROVEN STRATEGIES. They know that they’re getting a cheat sheet, life hack, step-by-step system, or blueprint to success–instead of trying to figure it out all themselves when they don’t have to. They love knowing that they didn’t waste a lot of time trying to “re-invent the wheel.”

5. Smart people love taking full advantage of all of the willpower, focus, energy, and time that their coach has passionately invested into mastering fitness and use it to reach their own fitness goals for years–and invest their own limited amounted willpower, focus, energy, and time into a different area of life that they, themselves, are most passionate about and want to master (like their business, family, faith, special charity/cause, or hobby).

6. Smart people understand that, the more accountability and pressure they are willing put on themselves, the more likely they’ll use all of their talents, abilities, willpower, focus, energy, time, and other powerful resources to the fullest.

7. Smart people love knowing that they have set up a unique and highly-effective situation in life where TWO PEOPLE are now on a committed MISSION to work on their personal success and happiness–instead of going through the journey alone.

8. Smart people love feeling special and unique when they step up and do something for their success and happiness that struggling, average people simply will NEVER do.

9. Smart people love having support they can COUNT ON when going through the inevitable challenges that life dishes out. They’re less likely to be disappointed when they don’t get support from family members, friends, random people, and the “haters” on social media. In fact, they don’t even expect to have the support from people who are NOT invested or emotionally-attached in any way to their success and happiness.

10. Smart people love the “buffet of effective solutions” that a qualified fitness coach will provide for them. Many of those solutions they may have never even thought of on their own. Smart people understand that a great coach offers them perspective, objectivity, and options that even smart and determined people just can’t get on their own They also are allowed the freedom from their qualified fitness coach to choose which options are best for their individual situation all on their own.

BONUS REASON #1. Smart people love having conversations with people who genuinely care about them and are really listening. They realize that it is very rare to have conversations with other people in life when the entire conversation is all about you and your goals. A great fitness coach will really listen to you–instead of thinking about what he or she is going to say after you’re finally finished talking like what normally happens during most conversations you have in life.

BONUS REASON #2: Smart people love telling other people that they hired a fitness coach. It’s cool. They also realize that, the more people who they tell, the more accountability and pressure they put on themselves to work hard and finally get this area of their life mastered. It gets even cooler when they tell their friends to “Google” their coach, and all of your awesome tips, images, videos, articles, podcasts, personal accomplishments come up. They automatically link themselves up to their fitness coach’s success and their all around awesomeness!

Set yourself apart from the fitness “business as usual” and adopt the RESULTS-oriented Fitness-Centered Life Coaching philosophy.

Use Your BODY To Grab Their Attention. Use Your MIND To Change Their Lives.

Skip La Cour​
“The Fitness Coach’s Business & Life Coach”

P.S. Quickly take your fitness coaching business–and your entire LIFE–to an outrageously higher level now by investing in my digital course Fitness Expert To Life Coach Step By Step.

Watch the videos and read everything this amazing course has to offer you and your business below. You’ll immediately discover exactly why this step-by-step success blueprint is changing so many committed fitness coaches and passionate people who aspire to be fitness coaches around the world lives’ for the better.

If you have any questions about Fitness Expert To Life Coach Step By Step, feel free to set up a time for you and me to talk on the phone. Click here to make an appointment.


If you want to take your coaching skills and money-making ability to higher and higher levels, then you’ll want to invest in my brand-new digital coaching and fitness business course, Fitness Expert To Life Coach Step By Step.

Fitness Expert To Life Coach Step By Step – Course Overview

This Is An Overview Explaining How This Course Will Totally Transform Your Coaching Business, Your Clients’ Physical Bodies And Mindset, Your Confidence Level and Appreciation Of Your Self-Worth, And The Overall Quality Of Your Life Now And FOREVER.


  • Exploratory Conversation Step By Step
  • Organizing Principles To Fitness-Centered Life Coaching
  • Coaching Process And Journey Step By Step
  • Coaching Sessions Step By Step
  • Instructing Your Clients To Get The Most Value
  • 30 Life Coaching Lessons
  • Next Level Coaching Strategies

  • Bonuses:

  • Creating Your Own Digital Product Journal
  • Digital Product – 30-Day Sprint To The End Challenge
  • Members Only Website
  • Monthly Coaching Calls
  • Here’s A Look Inside The Fitness Expert To Life Coach step By Step Digital Course Website . . .

    Jeremy’s Testimonial . . .

    “In the last four months alone, we’ve raised our income $9,000 a month. In addition to that, we’ve had $21,000 paid up front in the last three weeks.”

    Jeremy Hughes – Fitness Studio Owner and Family Man

    Carl’s Testimonial . . .

    “I didn’t want to lose the security of my career and job. After a month or so with Skip’s coaching, I already had three clients and was making over $2,000 a month.”

    Carl Hagen

    Section One – Exploratory Conversation Step By Step

    34 Videos

    How A Perfectly Organized And Executed Exploratory Conversation Will Give You The Very Best Chance To Sign Up Enthusiastic Clients Willing To Pay You A Premium For Your Service And Help Both You And Your Client Make The Right Decision On Whether To Go On A One-On-One Coaching Journey Together.

    Section Two – Organizing Principles To Fitness-Centered Life Coaching

    10 Videos

    The 10 Organizing Principles To The Powerful And Results-Oriented Fitness-Centered Life Coaching Process That Will Give You More Confidence As A Coach, Produce Better Results For Your Clients, And Help You Stand Out Among The Competition.

    Section Three – Coaching Process And Journey Step By Step

    10 Videos

    The 10-Step Coaching Process And Journey That You’ll Take Your Clients Through That Creates Trust, Certainty, Confidence, Clear Direction, and Predictable Structure For Them–And For You.

    Section Four – Coaching Sessions Step By Step

    11 Videos

    The Structured And Massively-Effective 10-Step Process That Guarantees You’ll Deliver Powerful And Effective Coaching Sessions To Every Single One Of Your Clients Every Single Time You Coach Them.

    Section Five – Instructing Your Clients To Get The Most Value

    10 Videos

    The Top 10 Best Ways To Instruct Your Clients So They’ll Get The Most Out Of Their Coaching Journey With You And Produce Immediate, Undeniable Results That They’ll Really Appreciate.

    Section Six – 30 Insightful Life Coaching Lessons That Create Breakthroughs For Your Clients (And You)

    30 Videos

    30 Powerful Life Coaching Lessons That Will Automatically Double Your Uniqueness In The Fitness Industry And The Value You Offer As A Coach, Immediately Enable You To Connect With Your Clients At A Much Deeper Level, Totally Prepare You For Their Most Common Overall Life Challenges, Offer Them Effective Solutions, Instantly Make You Five-Times More Comfortable With Your Life Coaching Ability, And Take Your Own Overall Quality Of Life On An Amazing And Accelerated Growth Path.

    1. How To Control Your Thoughts, Emotions, and Actions From The Very Instant You Wake Up In Morning

    2. How To Give Yourself The Best Chance To Get Exactly What You Want From Every Single Situation You Enter

    3. How To Make Your Days More Productive And Get Closer To Using Your Talents and Abilities To The Fullest Potential

    4. How To Reach Your Really Big Goals In Life And Be Happy Every Single Day Of The Journey Until You Do

    5. How Adopting The Belief That You Already Have What You Need To Succeed Will Dramatically Change Your Life

    6. How Understanding That “Everything Is Hard Before It Becomes Easy” Keeps You Moving Forward During The Most Challenging Times

    7. How To Gain Instant Perspective During Challenging Times So That You Get Back On Track As Soon As Possible

    8. How To Present Yourself More Powerfully And Immediately Expand Your Influence

    9. How To Acquire The Poise And Patience Needed To Continually Work Toward Finally Solving Seemingly Insurmountable Challenges

    10. How Getting Yourself To Take More Decisive Action More Quickly Will Launch Your Productivity And Overall Quality Of Life To The Next Level

    11. How To Double Your Productivity By Using The Power Of Consistent, Believable, Deadlines That Create The “Perfect” Amount Of Pressure

    12. “The 10 Ten-Times/One-Tenth Tests”
    How To Make Sure That You’re Mentally And Emotionally Prepared To Achieve Any Ambitious Goal That You Set

    13. How Understanding The “80/20 Rule” Keeps You Focused When Results Don’t Come As Quickly As You Expected

    14. How To Determine If Your Are Taking Enough Risks, Big Enough Risks, And Taking Risks Quickly Enough To Really Reach Your Really Big Goals In Life

    15. How To Win Every Situation You Enter In Life And Impress The Hell Out Of Everyone Who Observes You Regardless Of The Outcome

    16. How To Continue Making Decisions That Drive You Forward After A Mistake Makes You Think You Should Slow Down And Play It Safe

    17. How Taking Full Responsibility For All Of The People You Allow Into Your Life And Their Influence On You Sets You Free To Be Happier And More Productive

    18. How To Choose The Right Role Models, Attract and Keep Influential Mentors Who Can Help You Succeed, And Use What They Have To Offer To Become The Most Powerful And Productive Version Of Yourself

    19. How To Get The Important People In Your Life To Willing And Enthusiastically Support Your Efforts

    20. How To Make Sure That Your Need For Approval Doesn’t Destroy Your Ability To Be A Powerful And Effective Leader

    21. “The Sweet Spot 30-Day Exercise” – How To Become The Person Who Can REALLY Make Their Big Goals In Life Happen

    22. How Learning About The “Hero’s Journey” Can Help You Appreciate What You’ve Done In The Past And Help You Plan Your Future

    23. “The Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich Trap” How Short-Term Victories Can Curb Your Appetite To Earn The Life You Really Want Without You Realizing It

    24. “The Template Mentality” – How Your Blueprint For Success May Limit Just How Much Of It You Can Actually Achieve

    25. How Holding On To Your “All In Or All Out” Identity And Belief About Yourself May Be Holding You Back From Reaching Your Goals In Life And May Not Even Be True Anyway

    26. How To Get Yourself To Fully Appreciate The Pain And Discomfort You Experience During Your Journey And Use It To Become The Bigger, Stronger, And More Productive Person Who Really Achieves The Goals In Life That He Or She Really Wants

    27. How Allowing Yourself To Fully Feel All Of The Emotions That You Experience During Your Journey Will Allow You To Ultimately Enjoy All Of The Positive Emotions You Want To Experience In Your Life

    28. How To Make Sure That You’ve Done Everything You Can To Succeed BEFORE Moving On To Your Next New Great Idea

    29. How Your Commitment To Personal Growth And Development Can Prevent You From Reaching Your Goals In Life Without You Even Realizing It – The Top 6 Unexpected Traps That You Absolutely Must Avoid At All Costs!

    30. How The Unexpected Emotions Of “Guilt And Shame” During Your Personal Growth And Development Journey Could Destroy All Of Your Progress If You Aren’t Prepared And How To Effectively Work Past Them

    Section Seven – Next Level Coaching Strategies

    10 Videos

    Next Level Coaching Strategies And Insights That Will Help Your Clients Become Twice As Productive, Twice As Happy With What You Do For Them, And Eventually Double What You’ll Get Paid As A Coach.

    • Lead Generation – How To Create, Maintain, And Build Upon The Winning Mindset And Actions Needed To Attract A Continual Flow Of High-Quality People Willing To Invest In Your Premium Coaching Service
    • How To Mentally, Emotionally, And Strategically THRIVE During The Inevitable Up And Downs That You’ll Experience In Your One-on-One Fitness Coaching Business
    • How To Help Your Clients Work Past Negative Thinking Patterns Without Coming Across Like You’re A Psychiatrist
    • Three Different Communication Strategies That Have The Power To Give Your Clients Instant Perspective–But Also The Chance To Create Unexpected Disconnection
    • How Knowing How To Solve An Unexpected Challenge Ahead That’s Surprising Caused By Being An Outstanding Coach Will Help You Build A Better Business NOW
    • How Providing Your Premium One-on-One Coaching Clients With A Members Only Website Will Take Their Growth To A Much Higher Level, Allow You To Clearly Demonstrate Your Tremendous Value As A Coach, And Force You To Get Better In Business And In Every Other Area Of Your Life
    • How To Identify And Break Free From Being A Ineffective Quasi-Entrepreneur To A Powerful And Profitable Full-Fledged Entrepreneur
    • How A Personal Trainer Can Break Free From Low-Paying Hourly Grind And Develop The Mindset And Actions Needed To Build A Profitable, Time-Efficient Business That Serves People All Over The World
    • How To Learn And Execute The Critical Steps You Must Take To Quit Your Full-Time Safe And Secure Job And Pursue Your Passion To Help Others As A Fitness Coach
    • Planning The Next Stages Of Your Coaching Business


    As You Are Taking Your One-On-One Coaching Business To Higher And Higher Levels, You Also Want To Pay Attention To All Of The Information And Intelligence That You’ll Undoubtedly Gather And Use All Of It To Take Your Ability To Change People’s Lives And Make Even More Money With Your Coaching Business In The Future.

    Bonus #1 – Creating Your Own Digital Product Journal

    34 Videos

    With All Of The Experience And Insight That You Gain From Working With People So Intimately During All Of Your One-On-One Coaching Sessions, You Will Eventually Want To Take Your Business and Influence To Higher Levels. You Can Serve More People Just As Effectively When You Create A Digital Product. Follow This Journey As I Share With You The Many Distinctions And Strategies That I Learned While Creating Fitness Expert To Life Coach Step By Step.

    Bonus #2 Digital Product – 30-Day Sprint To The End Challenge

    35 videos

    Follow Along As I Really Pushed Myself To Get This Digital Product Finished. Learn Everything I That I Learned About The Digital Product Creation Process, Business Mindset, Goal-Setting, And The Mental And Emotional Challenges That Sometimes Stand In The Way Of Us Achieving Our Goals.

    Bonus #3 – Members Only Website

    Get A Unique Insider’s Look At How I Run My Business And My Life That I Normally Reserve Strictly For My Most-Committed Weekly One-On-One Coaching Clients. You’ll See How I Plan And Review My Days, Weeks, Months, Total Mindset, And Entire Life With Daily Videos, Audios, And Much More.

    Bonus #4 – Monthly Coaching Calls

    All Of These Massively-Effective One-On-One Coaching Business Building Strategies Will Never Produce Their Maximum Value If You Don’t Follow Through And Actually Execute Them. To Create Even More Value And to Make Sure That You Actually Follow Through, A Monthly Teleconference Session Will Be Provided That Will Offer Q & A, Progress Check-Ins, Motivational Boosts And Reminders, And New And Improved Coaching And Business Strategies.

    Dean’s Testimonial . . .

    “I have a renewed interest in this business that I was ready t give up on. I have made more money than I have in years. Becoming that man that I really want to be; that man I want my son to look up to; that’s what it’s all about.”

    Dean Correia – Personal Trainer for over 20 years

    Fitness Expert To Life Coach Step By Step Digital Course
    Lifetime Access To Members Only Website

    Exploratory Conversation Step By Step

    34 videos – Over 7 hours of instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Value $2,000.00

    Powerful and Effective Coaching Sessions Step By Step

    11 video – Over 4 hours over instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Value $1,000.00

    30 Insightful Life Coaching Lessons That Create Breakthroughs For Your Clients (And You)

    30 videos – Over 12 hours of instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Value $2,000.00

    Successful Coaching Business Essentials Package

    • Fitness-Centered Life Coaching Organizing Principles

    • Coaching Journey and Process Step By Step

    • Instructing Your Clients To Get The Most Value

    • Next Level Coaching Business Strategies

    40 videos – Over 8 hours of instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Value $1,000.00


    Digital Product Creation Process Business Package

    • Creating Your Own Digital Product Journal

    • 30-Day “Sprint To The End Challenge”

    79 videos – Over 15 hours of instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Value $1,000.00

    Monthly Group Coaching Calls

    Group Coaching Conferences Call Every Month (Yearly) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Value $1,200.00

    Lifetime Access Into

    Members Only Website Access Previously Reserved Only For Private One-on-One Clients (Yearly)
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Value $300.00

    Complete Package With Bonuses

    194 Videos – Over 46 hours of instruction . . . Value $9,000.00

    Regular Fitness Expert To Life Coach Step By Step Digital Course Investment Price

    Instant Lifetime Access . . . . . . $2,499.00

    Special One-Time Price:

    The Entire Fitness Expert To Life Coach Step By Step Business And Life Digital Course

    Limited Time Offer . . . . . . Only $1,999.00

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    12 Convenient Low Monthly Payment Price:

    The Entire Fitness Expert To Life Coach Step By Step Business And Life Digital Course

    12 Payments . . . Only $187.00 for 12 months
    (Total $2,244.00)

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    <strong>Questions?</strong></h1><br> If you have any questions about <em>Fitness Expert To Life Coach Step By Step</em>, feel free to set up a time for you and me to talk on the phone.</p> <p><strong><em>Skip La Cour</em></strong><br> "The Fitness Coach's Business & Life Coach" <br><a href="" target="_blank"></a></p><br />
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